Monday, June 29, 2009

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Melissa and her running partner Jen celebrate after finishing the Gary Bjorkland half-marathon in Duluth and Melissa shares a quiet moment with her smallest fan, nephew Nolan.
Well we traveled to Duluth on one of the hottest days we've had this year to watch Melissa finish the half. This is her second running of this race. The first was two years ago when she ran it for the first time with both of her sisters and Mike's good friend Ana. They trained hard to run in memory of Mike. It was the start of a running life-style. I joke that Melissa is like Forrest Gump. She "just started runnin'" and she shows no sign of letting up. Melissa and Jen were joined by Jen's Mom Deb who wasn't available for a photo. Many of you know Deb as she occasionaly works here at Seams Like Home. They ran under the team name of the Dashing Diva's and they all finished in their expected time and looking very strong. The entire city of Duluth seems to be under construction and we had to get very creative to reach the finish line before the "Diva's" did. If you haven't had the opportunity to be in Duluth for the running of Grandma's, put it on your must see list. The excitement, the crowds, the inspiration. It is as much a spectator event as it is a running event.
Seams Like Home is getting ready for "Christmas in July". This year though the Christmas fabric is flying out the door. We may get the tree up, the Christmas music playing and already be sold out of the bulk of the lines we ordered. Stop in and see what's in store for 2009. We still have some snap sacks of the 4th of July banner. These snap sacks are quick and easy. Everything you need except the batting for $12.99. You still have time to have one hanging on the front door before Saturday.
Today it was time to clean up the scrap box and so there are plenty of new grab bags in the red shopping cart. All grab bags are $4.00 and are a fun way to add some stash in random colors and prints.
I'm pulling out the "Turning Twenty" pattern, my go-to pattern for a quick quilt. My grand-daughters have bunk beds now and that gives me a chance to create new "girl quilts" for them. Monica took a look at the fabrics I chose and gave me the thumbs up. Laura liked them too, but they both wondered if I could put some Princess' on the quilts. They don't get that they are the princess'.
And then this. This past weekend I went to a graduation party for my niece Mollie. I made Mollie the "Carpenter's Star" in shades of deep purple as her graduation quilt. Mollie is gifted academically but more than that, Mollie is an "old soul". She is that person that "shows up", is present and "gets things". I could not be prouder of her. I put a label on the back of Mollie's quilt with the message I wanted her to have from me. A quilt label is the finishing touch and you MUST put one on every quilt you make. Mollie's had a line from the song "The River".
Don't sit upon the shore and say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids, dare to dance the tides.
I say the same to you all. Till next time!

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