Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Some things I forgot to tell you!

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I'm adding a second post this week before we head to Quilt Market. I got to the shop today and realized there are some things I forgot to tell you.
First, Summer Block of the Month. This is the second summer we have offered a BOM and the spots are filling fast. The pattern is called "Sea Glass" and will be featured in the "color of the year" turquoise and also "grown-up pink". This 3 month BOM runs June through August. You will be able to pick up your kit for each month anytime during that month. Kits are $14.oo ea. mo. and the combination of the kits will include all of the fabric for the quilt top including the binding. Finished size is 43 1/2" square. Kits are cut and limited. Call the shop to see if a kit is available in the color-way of your choice.
"Turtle Pageant" featuring "Tommy the Turtle". Each summer we feature a new beauty pageant. This year it is Tommy. Drop-off date is July 29th. Call the shop or refer to the newsletter for all the official rules.
Bag Challenge: Make a bag, tote, hand-bag...the choice is yours. Drop-off day is July 15th. Voting is done by our customers and of course yourself by dropping a quarter into your favorite. The bag with the most quarters...Wins! All proceeds are donated to local charities.
Quilter's Yard Sale, our fifth year and this event just keeps getting bigger. Fee is $10 to rent space. Tables can be provided for an extra $5.00. Sell blocks, fabric, quilt tops, patterns, notions anything quilting that you are tired of or no longer have a use for. You provide table, chair and your own cash box. Sales will be going on from Seams Like Home both outside and inside the shop.
Upcoming sales:
Flag Day Salelag, June 14th from noon-6pm. 20% off all patriotic prints.
Sisters of Summer Sale. Friday July 9th and Saturday the 10th.
And then there's this:Yesterday I stopped over at my Grand-daughters house to drop off some fabric scraps for a school project. Alongside the drive on your way in stands a grand old Willow tree. This tree is the kind of tree that just begs to be climbed and this is the year that Monica is old enough and tall enough to reach the lowest V. She has claimed this tree as her own.
She has her favorite things hanging from the branches complete with clothesline that has camis and t's blowing in the breeze. You can tell she spends much time in the branches of this tree, she can see the farm, she can see her sisters, she can get out of the reach of Rex(the dog) and Butterscotch the cat can visit whenever she likes. It is her "home". The first that she has decorated, she will be the queen of this castle until Laura is old enough and tall enough to climb up.
This is what I know: When you learn to ride a bike and climb your first tree, you understand freedom for the first time in your life. It is a little bit of taking charge of your own destiny. I have watched Monica learn to ride her bike, standing on the pedals, wind in her hair, nowhere to go but forward and also grip a tree branch and just know, she is strong enough to climb... as high as she wants to go. She is learning independence is a feeling and a good one. It is my belief there will be no stopping her but if her "homes" are always this hard to access. I might need to remember I once knew how to climb too!
Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously mom you either need to write in here every day (to feed my addiction). Or you need to write a book that I can read again and again and again. Your work reminds me of many of my favorite authors but mostly Lorna Landvik. And as a major blubbering fan of hers might I ask you this... isn't she too a small town gal from MN with a gift???
