Saturday, September 12, 2009

What? It's September already!!

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O.K. So while the cooler mornings, the sun setting earlier and the quietness of kids being back in school are all indications Summer is waning, Fall has still snuck up on me. August was a whirlwind of "The Minnesota Shop-Hop" followed by the "Quilter's Yard Sale" and of course one day spent at the State Fair.
Here at "Seams Like Home" it is everything Fall. The "Gobble. Gobble" wall-hanging is a pattern by Sandy Gervais-Pieces from my Heart with a fabric line by the same name from Moda. The turkey is imploring you to "eat more pie!"
Melissa has also put together from a "Gobble, Gobble" honey bun a quick project that would make a great wall-hanging , a table-topper or couch throw.
The lovely new fabric line in shades of plum, soft green and rich Burgundies and black is "Eva",new from Basicgrey for Moda. We have layer cakes, charm packs and yardage.
We are showing the ever popular "Bow Tucks" bag pattern by "Quilts Illustrated" in the new "All Star' line from Riley Blake Designs. And the last picture is the porch pillow pattern in "Mary Engelbreight" Christmas. You may remember I am lobbying for them to be a project at the upcoming fall retreat. Stop in and pick out your jelly roll, the pattern is free with purchase. The pillows are fun, quick to make, simple. Enough said.
The newsletter contains all the upcoming fall news, if you don't receive it, call the shop with your e-mail address and we will add you to the mailing list.
Block of the Month for 2008-09 is wrapping up and we are excited about the new projects for 09-10. Both new BOM's will start in the month of October. Stop in for a peek, read the rules and get signed up on the list.
Upcoming and worth marking your calender for is the "Fat Quarter Scramble". November 17,2009. Doors close at 6:00pm and re-open at 6:30pm. Scramble is one hour from 6:30-7:30pm. Fat Quarters will be $1.00 each sold only in groupings of 25. Not pre-bundled. Many other shop specials the same evening. This event has grown every year and we encourage you to be at the doors when they open for the best selection.
January of 2010 we are starting a book club. It will be a "Quilters Book club" and we will be reading and sewing with the Jennifer Chiaverini series "The Elm Creek Quilter's". The first novel will be "The Quilter's Apprentice" and the quilt blocks we will be making are from Jennifer's book "Sylvia's Bridal Sampler". Stop in and get signed up so we can place your order for books.
Don't forget: Daytime open sewing. Each Tuesday from 11-? Check that newsletter for classes that interest you and take the time to stop in and view Eleanor Burns truck show titled "El's Best Trunk Show" in the shop until the end of the month.
And then there is this:
I spent the morning meandering through our local town as they held city-wide garage sales. If you were to ask my family they would say that I have always been an auction person, a garage sale person, I like thrift stores and hand-me-downs. It is interesting to me what people save and what they sell. What they treasure and what they give away. My possessions are eclectic and varied. Although I will be the first to admit to many collections like Fiestaware that I watch for, my true passion is family memorabilia. If I have something that came from my Grand-parents or my parents it will stay in my charge until one of the kids or Grand-kids decides they would like to have it. It is one of the reasons that I find it interesting that one day a couple of years ago in a random conversation with my Dad, he felt the need to tell me that he has traps he has saved for years and although he knows they are collectible he hopes that my brothers will take them when the time comes. They were words not needed. My Dad knows that he raised children that understand when it comes to family memories we know how to care for them. I was fortunate enough today to bring to my youngest daughter, a framed needlework of wildflowers made by her husbands Grand-mother. The stitching is intricate, the coloring is beautiful, my daughter will treasure it until it is time to pass it on to her son. There is much in my life I was saving for Mike. It would have given his Dad and I the greatest joy to pass things on to him. I now care for Mike's things and it is something I give reverence and respect. You see, Mike was very much like me, a holder of tradition and it is important that I get this right. Everything Mike owned is a memory. A story from his life. We honor those who go before us, by caring for what they've left behind. Mike would want me to move forward, but he would also know that I will never let go.
Till next time.

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